Announcing iThemes as a sponsor of WordCamp Raleigh 2011

We are very pleased to welcome back iThemes as a sponsor of WordCamp Raleigh 2011.  The iThemes team are great supporters of WordCamps and WordPress.  We have two of the iThemes team presenting this year as well as sponsoring us.

iThemes logo

iThemes currently offers over 120 professional WordPress themes to let you create beautiful and effective websites fast, including the popular iThemes Builder theme, which allows you to easily build unique WordPress sites without having to touch code. Founded in 2008 and based in Oklahoma City, the iThemes team of over 17 professionals is here to support you and your work with WordPress. Learn more at

Pleas join me in welcoming iThemes and come meet the team at WordCamp Raleigh 2011 on May 21st and 22nd.  Register today for tickets at