Speaker Spotlight: Denise Tawwab

Denise TawwabIf you’re confused by custom post types, Denise Tawwab’s session, Custom Post Types – A Case Study will help clear the view. “An attendee will leave this session having walked through a complete implementation of a custom post type.” Denise says. “While creating a custom post type has become fairly easy (thanks to some awesome tutorials and plug-ins), figuring out the taxonomy and getting that custom data to show up on the front end of the website is still a mystery to many — especially to WordPress users (like me) who are not hard core developers. My goal is to remove some of that mystery and to give attendees a case study that they can follow when implementing their own custom solutions.  If I can get just one person to say, “NOW I get it,” I will be a happy WordCamper. :-)”.

Denise loves a lot about WordPress. “Everyday I discovery new functionality or a really cool theme or plug-in that makes me say, “Wow!” WordPress is like having a gift that keeps on giving. And the best gift by far is the awesome people in the WordPress community who are so helpful and who have personally encouraged me to push the platform and to keep on learning and growing.” Denise says.

Attend this session and get even more WordPress awesomeness at WordCamp Raleigh 2012 on Nov 3-4. Tickets are only $40 and you can register online now!

Speaker Spotight: Peter Baylies

Peter BayliesPeter Baylies session, Doing Clever Things with WordPress will provide real examples of how to approach development in WordPress. Peter feels that “WordPress is a very flexible platform with a great community behind it; this combination affords for a lot of options when building a website, and a lot of places to go for advice and assistance as well.”

Peter hopes that you’ll walk away from his session with “Confidence, hopefully; advice and encouragement about how to continue to learn and grow as a WordPress developer.”


Spotlight Written by Kelly Phillips

Attend this session and get even more WordPress awesomeness at WordCamp Raleigh 2012 on Nov 3-4. Tickets are only $40 and you can register online now!