Speaker Spotlight: Aaron Brazell

Aaron BrazellWe’re happy to announce another great Speaker addition to WordCamp Raleigh, Aaron Brezell, who is a WordPress developer & consultant, and the author of the WordPress Bible from Wiley Publishing.


“WordPress Social”

Examining how the WordPress ecosystem can help you build communities, leverage social networks, and integrate with the growing connectedness among Internet users.


Aaron, who is often controversial but rarely wrong, is a WordPress developer & consultant and the author of the WordPress Bible from Wiley publishing.

He has been developing in WordPress for more than 4 years and is a strong advocate for resource sharing among communities.

Aaron’s past presentations include sessions at WordCamps’ San Francisco, Dallas, NYC, Atlanta, and Mid-Atlantic, where he is a lead organizer, plus others.

Follow Aaron:

Blog: Technosailor.com
Twitter: @technosailor