Speaker Spotlight: Douglas Hanna of A Small Orange

Douglas runs a web hosting company called A Small Orange, but has been involved with WordPress in a variety of ways for a number of years now, including as the person responsible for the very popular WordPress Showcase. The Showcase is terrific because it shows what people can do with WordPress. As Douglas put it, it’s WordPress’ way to sort of promote the people who have used WordPress in unique ways and attract more users to it.

Douglas will be presenting on the topic of Showcasing the Showcase in the Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Douglas:

In his presentation, Douglas will highlight close to 20 of the most interesting WordPress sites online today. Expect to learn about what celebrities, world leaders, athletes, and the like are using WordPress, but also about some unique and innovative sites that you might not have heard about. Douglas will also go over how to get your own site included in the Showcase and how the WordPress Showcase came about and works today.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Douglas.