As a recent graduate of North Carolina State College of Design, Jonathan Stephens takes typography on a serious level in life and in his session Typography:Internet::Butter:Southern Cooking. He has worked on projects for a variety of clients ranging from National Geographic to the African Leaders Malaria Alliance. Using his education and personal experiences, he fills an important roll at Smashing Boxes; an agency providing mobile and web solutions for businesses.
Jonathan acknowledges WordPress as one of the best platforms for websites. He states how “clients typically have an easier time understanding and maneuvering through admin…easing the designers/developers worrying minds about messing up the website.”
Jonathan’s experience as a designer has helped him expose a vital element in communications that a majority of people overlook. Web design is 95% typography. This session will interpret, analyze, and find solutions to frequent typographic errors. Become part of a movement and understand the importance of effective communication through typography.
Attend this session and get even more WordPress awesomeness at WordCamp Raleigh 2012 on Nov 3-4. Tickets are only $40 and you can register online now!