We’re happy to announce one of our final Speaker additions to WordCamp Raleigh … Ryan Boyles, is a software developer acting as technical evangelist for Application Infrastructure in IBM Software and a community manager, with the mission to drive simplification of app development in your Enterprise by raising awareness of WebSphere Emerging Technology.
“Organizing Events with WordPress”
WordPress is a great tool for building community. Blogs are the de-facto way to engage your readers and organize events, conferences and social gatherings.
To host a successful party or meetup, there are several low-fi means to incorporate event planning into WordPress blogs. To create a top billed premium event – large or small – and incorporate community elements before, during and after, takes a lot of hands-on effort and a bit of programming.
Learn more about off-the-shelf plugins and themes that can be a big help. When those are not enough, learn how to mix, mod and meld plugins into a comprehensive Event management solution that match your blogs design needs as well as your business’ function and legal requirements.
Ryan is a software developer and technical evangelist for Application Infrastructure in IBM Software and he advocates RESTful situational application development, Agile software methods and dynamic scripting programming models for cloud computing.
He is also a community manager, with the mission to drive simplification of app development in your Enterprise by raising awareness of WebSphere Emerging Technology. He spent 13 years in software development working on user interfaces, web applications, online communities and systems management.
Ryan has a B.S. in Computer Science from North Carolina State University. He works at IBM’s Research Triangle Park Laboratory in North Carolina and is an accomplished inventor with over a dozen patents.
He has been working with WordPress since version 2.0.5 as a developer, blogger, and administrator. He is also fascinated with mobile and declarative living, and the impact of the social web on business, society, and everyday life.
Ryan’s past presentations include Web2.0 Expo, Social Fresh and various BarCamps.
Follow Ryan:
Blog: MobThink.com
Twitter: @theRab
Others: card.ly/theRab