Speaker Spotlight: Tony Zeoli

tony-zeoliWe are pleased to announce that Tony Zeoli will be speaking at this year’s WordCamp Raleigh. Tony’s session will be about The Power of Jetpack and will be on the Beginners Track.

Tony is a digital strategist and agile product owner with over 10+ years of experience working with WordPress. In 2009, he created Digital Strategy Works, a WordPress consulting, design and development company. He has planned and led the development of over 100 WordPress projects for small businesses, corporations and non-profit organizations, including managing a WordPress multisite network at UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication, developing sites for GovLoop, Alloy Digital, Ad Week, Melibee Global, Neighborbee and Save The Great South Bay. And, he has presented on various WordPress topics at WordCamps in Raleigh, Asheville and New York City. Tony is also the organizer of the WordPress Chapel Hill Meetup. He currently lives in Asheville, where he also DJs under his alter ego, DJ Tony Z, at The Nightbell, an upscale restaurant/lounge.

Come join us at WordCamp Raleigh and meet Tony and learn about The Power of Jetpack.

Sponsor Spotlight: Bluehost

We are very pleased to announce that Bluehost will be sponsoring WordCamp Raleigh again this year.


Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.

Please join me in thanking Bluehost for their continued support of WordCamp Raleigh.

Announcing our first batch of speakers

I’m pleased to announce the first set of speakers and sessions for WordCamp Raleigh 2014. As with previous years, the quality of the speakers and sessions is very high. We’re pleased to welcome back a number of speakers who have presented at previous WordCamps.

Here’s the details of the first six out of twenty-four speakers:

Kelly Phillips of boostinteractivemedia.com and wpplugincoach.com will be speaking about 5 Things You Shouldn’t Do With A WordPress Plugin in the Beginners track.

Tony Zeoli of Digital Strategy Works will be speaking about The Power of Jetpack in the Beginners track.

Anthony Navarro of T&t Development Systems will be speaking about How to start a lucrative Web Development Business for No Money Down in the Power Users track.

Will Haley of Capstrat will be speaking about Angling Angular in WordPress in the Developers track.

Julien Melissas of Craftpeak will be speaking about Roots: A starter theme that will make you a better developer in the Developers track.

Justin Sternberg of WebDevStudios will be speaking about CMB2: The Metabox Strikes Back in the Developers track.

This is just a taste of the great sessions and speakers you can expect at WordCamp Raleigh 2014. If you haven’t already purchased your ticket then what are you waiting for, register today!

Welcome to WordCamp Raleigh 2014

We are pleased to announce the dates and location for WordCamp Raleigh 2014.

This year WordCamp Raleigh will be held on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November. WordCamp Raleigh will be held at the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University on Centennial Campus. We are very pleased to be returning to North Carolina State University and their state of the art Centennial Campus. It was the perfect location for last year’s WordCamp Raleigh and we hope this year will be even better.

Over the coming weeks the organizers will be working hard to create a schedule packed with great sessions from some incredibly knowledgeable presenters from the world of WordPress. We’ll post announcements about the schedule as we have them so hang in there!

Check back regularly for more information and we’ll see you in November.

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