GutenReady for the Gutenpocalypse

When Matt Mullenweg announced in December 2017 that Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0 would be ready in just a few short months, we sat up and took notice. Knowing the landscape of our institution – and higher ed’s proclivity for denying change – we started making plans.

From the beginning we were thinking about the full spectrum of WordPress experience: from developers to the one-off content editors. We set to work learning as much as we could about Gutenberg, the user experience, the transition options, and eventually, arrived at our own examination of how Gutenberg could/should/would work at NC State.

Join us as we recap our adventure so far into the world of user testing, communication strategies, site assessments, and overcoming resistance. This is a story of change management as we safely navigate our campus to the other side of the Gutenpocalypse.


WordCamp Raleigh 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!