Save 15 minutes or more on WordPress a day: Intro to the Command Line for administrators

In the life of every WordPress administrator, saving a few seconds here and there can make a big difference at the end of the day.

We have heard of the command line before, tools like Bash, SSH and WP-CLI are considered too complex for the average administrator.

In this introduction, we will take an introductory look at these tools in a language that administrators can understand and in a way that we can start using them right away.

We will look at topics like:

1. Connecting to a remote server via SSH.
2. Executing simple WP-CLI commands to create fast database backups, export a list of users, or “search and replace” for a string on a website without the need of plugins.
2. Creating and using simple scripts in bash.

Intended Audience: Administrators / Power Users


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