Speaker Spotlight: Chris Jean of iThemes

Chris Jean of iThemesWith six years of experience developing and maintaining a closed CMS, Chris finally saw the light in 2008 and shifted his focus over to WordPress. As a member of the iThemes team, his focus is creating themes and plugins that allow users to have advanced control over their site without knowledge of code. Whatever that means. When he’s not on a bash shell or coding away in Vim, he can be found watching anime or playing TF2.

Chris will be presenting on the topic of Standardized Loop API: The Next Big Thing in the Developers track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Chris:

Themes used to be the wild west of WordPress with everyone doing their own thing. Over the years, APIs for widgets, comments, menus, featured images, post formats, and so on were added to tame themes with a consistent set of tools and features.

This presentation makes the case for and shows examples of a possible next step for evolving the theme API: a loop API and standard.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Chris.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @chrisjean