Speaker Spotlight: Dave Moyer

Dave MoyerHere’s another great addition to our Speaker line-up for WordCamp Raleigh, Dave Moyer, founding President of Bitwire Media, parent company of the popular WordCast network, a leading destination for WordPress, blogging and social media shows.


“Breaking the Trust Barrier: Establishing Personal and Professional Brand Reliability”

Dave has worked in tech and media since age twelve and experienced firsthand the stigma that comes along with being the “kid with a blog”.

Just like nearly all bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, and even twitterers, he started at square one: from scratch with no audience. Moving beyond square one and connecting with an audience takes time, effort, and careful control, especially when your age is considered a detractor.

Many of the barriers Dave has overcome and the experiences he had whilst growing and establishing both a personal and corporate identity in social media are universal, and can be applied to any individual or group.

This session is designed to share the lessons learned through Dave’s own experiences, and explain crucial points in breaking past notions of unreliability to establish one’s personal and professional presence as something that an audience can trust in, depend on, and turn to.


Dave has more web experience than people twice his age (17) and he is a vlogger, blogger, podcaster and producer of WordCast, along with being a traditional media personality in the Denver, Colorado area.

He keeps very busy as the president of the Bitwire Media network and multimedia production company, and he writes for his personal site, Dave Moyer, and guest blogs on many sites around the web.

His recent speaking credits include WordCamp Phoenix, San Francisco, Denver, and Dallas 2009, CSIA DEMOGala 2009 and the National Trust for Historic Preservation Summit 2009.

Follow Dave:

Blog: DaveMoyer.org
Twitter: @davemoyer