Speaker Spotlight: Aaron Jorbin of Clearspring

Aaron is an engineer with Clearspring where he works on AddThis and a WordPress Core Contributor. He has spoken to multiple User Groups and at WordCamps in four time zones. When he’s not busy creating and fixing bugs, Aaron helps run an educational simulation conference for over 1500 college students. He’ll gladly toast to the GPL any day of the week and happily will discuss whisky, quality beer, or the upper peninsula of Michigan with anyone that wants.

Aaron will be presenting on the topic of Debugging and filing bug reports for WordPress in the Developers track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Aaron:

Debugging is one of the most important skills that any developer can have. It doesn’t matter what your niche, if you write software, you’ll face bugs. In this presentation I will go over tools for debugging, common types of bugs, and testing methods.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Aaron.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @aaronjorbin