Speaker Spotlight: Justin Seeley of iThemes

Justin is a creative professional living in Murray, KY. Over the past few years he’s spent his time authoring software training titles on a variety of digital imaging topics. He’s also the creator/host of the Photoshop Quicktips Video Podcast, Founder of SeeleyTraining.com, an Apple Fanboy, and WordPress Junkie. Justin works for iThemes and WebDesign.com.

Justin will be presenting on the topic of Designing for the Social Web in the Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Justin:

With so many social networks out there that allow for profile customization/website integration, it’s hard to keep it all straight. However with some strategic branding concepts and design ideas, you can create a social media campaign that broadcasts an intriguing and unified message across all spaces.

Topics will include Mapping out your Social Strategy and deciding what your target networks will be, Creating a unified design to be used on those networks, Putting the plan into action: Twitter, Putting the plan into action: Facebook, The importance of “Social Cross Pollination”, and Integrating your social presence into your website/blog.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Justin.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @justinseeley