Speaker Spotlight: Adam Ware of SwellPath

Adam is a self-declared “seasoned web veteran” with a rich web analytics background and extensive digital marketing experience and skills. Well-rounded in most areas of digital marketing and advertising with solid understanding of usability, web design, and underlying programming and CMS technologies. He’s now the CEO at SwellPath, an analytics consulting and digital marketing agency based in Portland. Adam is a WordPress fanatic, and has been a hardcore user since 2006. He’s got extensive experience with a wide-array of analytics applications, and has hacked and plugged-in most of them into WordPress.

Adam will be presenting on the topic of Measure Twice, Blog Once in the Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Adam:

This presentation focuses on methods and tools that can help folks get more actionable data out of their WordPress sites. I cover the basics of the Google Analytics plugin, and the other low-cost-or-free analytics application (Chartbeat, Clicky, etc.) plugins that are available for WordPress. Then I cover some basic analytics strategy best practices, before diving into the meat of the presentation, actual examples of ways to use analytics to gain more insight into user behavior. These include some basic tips like capturing off-site clicks to social media connections, and more complex, like feeding Google Analytics cookie data into contact forms and CRMs.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Adam.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @wheresitworking

Speaker Spotlight: Andy Stratton of Sizeable Interactive

Andy is a Zend certified PHP 5 developer and WordPress “Rock Star“, front-end developer, organic search optimizer and entrepreneur. Lover of nature, music, animals, film, art and most things tangible. He runs Sizeable Interactive, a freelance co-op based in Baltimore and has one dance move: the robot.

Andy will be presenting on the topic of Diet Pills, SEO, Theme Frameworks and More: There are no magic bullets in the Power Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Andy:

That’s right. There’s no substitution for planning your work and working your plan. You’ve got to put some sweat in to get something great. Eat less and exercise to lose weight, put the time and effort in to build a truly extraordinary website.

Clients (and some newer WP designers/developers/SEOs/entrepreneurs) have been misled by marketing fluff, social media buzz and high hopes of low cost / high return websites.

This presentation will talk all about why you do or do not need a theme framework, purchased theme, purchased plugin, and more. Why using a WordPress theme framework or purchased theme/plugin may cost you more money and will most likely NOT put you at the top of Google’s SERP’s.

I will attempt to debunk the myths that some users and power users believe about out of the box WordPress extensions while still giving justifications for using them when the context justifies it.

It’s all about context, ladies and germs. Find out why buying out of the box and customizing may not get you cheaper costs and top rankings. Hear it from a seasoned web developer, WordPress Rock Star and top Google ranker (Google: “php wordpress developer”).

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Andy.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @theandystratton

Speaker Spotlight: Justin Seeley of iThemes

Justin is a creative professional living in Murray, KY. Over the past few years he’s spent his time authoring software training titles on a variety of digital imaging topics. He’s also the creator/host of the Photoshop Quicktips Video Podcast, Founder of SeeleyTraining.com, an Apple Fanboy, and WordPress Junkie. Justin works for iThemes and WebDesign.com.

Justin will be presenting on the topic of Designing for the Social Web in the Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Justin:

With so many social networks out there that allow for profile customization/website integration, it’s hard to keep it all straight. However with some strategic branding concepts and design ideas, you can create a social media campaign that broadcasts an intriguing and unified message across all spaces.

Topics will include Mapping out your Social Strategy and deciding what your target networks will be, Creating a unified design to be used on those networks, Putting the plan into action: Twitter, Putting the plan into action: Facebook, The importance of “Social Cross Pollination”, and Integrating your social presence into your website/blog.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Justin.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @justinseeley

Speaker Spotlight: Justin Sainton of Zao Web Design

Justin  is the founder of Zao Web Design, LLC, a web firm based in Portland, Oregon USA. Working exclusively with WordPress and an array of other open-source technologies, Justin and Zao have provided creative and effective solutions for a wide variety of companies and associations ranging from Targus to Pitney Bowes to the National Education Association to HTC. When not managing Zao or enjoying his beautiful wife and lovely one-year-old daughter, Justin can be found enjoying the finest coffee Oregon has to offer.

Justin will be presenting on the topic of WordPress e-Commerce & Group Deals in the Power Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Justin:

The story of Group Deals Plugin, the latest premium Plugin from Zao & GetShopped, is a classic example of the power of the WordPress community. While presenting on WordPress E-Commerce at WordCamp Philadelphia, someone in the audience asked if anyone had made a “Groupon” WordPress plugin. We hadn’t, but that was the spark for the WP Group Deals plugin.

First, I’ll be discussing some of the new features in the recently released WordPress E-Commerce 3.8. Then we’ll talk about the new Group Deals plugin, what people are doing with it and why WordPress make perfect sense for becoming a Groupon competitor.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Justin.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @JS_Zao

Speaker Spotlight: Patrick O’Keefe of iFroggy Network

Patrick is the founder of the iFroggy Network, a network of websites covering various interests. He has been managing online communities since 2000 and is the author of Managing Online Forums, a practical guide to managing online social spaces. He has been responsible for the cultivation of communities like phpBBHacks.com, KarateForums.com and PhotoshopForums.com. He blogs about online community at ManagingCommunities.com, his favorite record label at BadBoyBlog.com and more at patrickokeefe.com.

Patrick will be presenting on the topic of Comment Moderation 201 in the Power Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Patrick:

You know how to use the default functionality in WordPress to moderate comments and how to remove comments that you don’t want on your site.

In this presentation, we’ll discuss how you can step up to the next level. This includes the creation of comment guidelines, enforcing guidelines and how to ensure that your comments section matches the tone and spirit of your publication.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Patrick.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @iFroggy