WordCamp Raleigh 2011 dates announced

Spring is almost here and soon it will be time for WordCamp Raleigh 2011.  Planning has begun in earnest for this year’s event and just like last year we hope you will find this the best forum for learning about WordPress.

I'M ATTENDING WordCamp RaleighWe are pleased to announce that the dates for WordCamp Raleigh have been confirmed as Saturday 21st May and Sunday 22nd May.  This is the same weekend as last year and we’re pleased that the location for the conference is also the same.

Sheraton Raleigh Downtown will again be the location for WordCamp Raleigh.  This exceptional hotel in the heart of downtown Raleigh was the perfect location for last year and will be again this year.

We are excited to be lining up a first class lineup of speakers to present on a wide range of WordPress topics.  Check the Speakers and Schedule pages as we add presenters and build the schedule for the one and a half day conference.

Visit the Registration page to buy your tickets and use the coupon code EARLYBIRD to get a $10 discount (limited number of tickets available).

We do hope you can attend this year and we look forward to welcoming you to WordCamp Raleigh 2011.

2 thoughts on “WordCamp Raleigh 2011 dates announced

  1. This is a must attend event for anyone who uses wordpress. This event is perfect for newbies and advanced wordpress enthusiast alike.

    Had a blast last year…

    Can’t wait…It will be a FUN time like it has been in the past few years…and the price is ridiculously low so anyone can afford to attend.

    Cheers guys for hosting this event again this year!

    ~Sam England

  2. WordCamp Raleigh was a huge success! The team of volunteers, sponsors and speakers are to be credited for their contribution to the WordPress community. What a fun time and valuable learning experience had under the big WP tent. The team knocked it out of the park so much so that I will also attend WordCamp Boston.

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