Brisket Plugin at WordCamp Raleigh
Image courtesy Ryan Duff
Well, it depends on the type of party you want throw.
If this is a late-night just-you Netflix marathon, the ArBrisket™ might be OK. Nobody will judge you*.
If you’re planning on inviting a bunch of friends over, it might be worth figuring out how to smoke a respectable brisket.
But we are talking about WordPress plugins, right?
When it comes to building a WordPress plugin, there’s a way you should do it, depending on what type of plugin you are trying to write.
Writing a just-for-you-Arbrisket™ plugin is simple. Writing a good plugin is a bit of an art. There’s a “WordPressy” way of doing things that a new developer (or a developer more familiar with other platforms and languages) would do well to learn, especially if the plugin is being written for mass consumption on GitHub or the repository.
It’s a good thing we’ve got Ryan Duff coming to help us learn exactly that. Coincidentally, if you want to stick around after the session, he’s also pretty well-versed in Brisketology, as well.
Come learn from the grill-master how to do things the right way when coding your plugin.
Get a ticket today, before they sell out.
*Ryan will actually probably judge you.