Level Up As a Developer: Build bigger stuff that won’t break

How well that complex site will handle the the $50 theme you've been using on your personal blog. Image via giphy
How well that complex site will handle the the $50 theme you’ve been using on your personal blog.

If you’ve ever worked on or inherited code from a large application or website built with WordPress and then needed to scale the functionality, a session from one of our developer track talks this year at WordCamp Raleigh will likely resonate with you.

This line reeled me right in, to be honest:

When developers use the same techniques for complex sites that they have been using for smaller sites, the unstructured approaches that are so commonly used can quickly turn a large project into a house of cards. The results are bugs that are hard to contain, an overall scope that goes way over budget and a project that has a high risk of failure.

As developers, we know that WordPress core is solid, and powerful. But to take it to the next level and power larger more complex applications and sites typically built for enterprise companies, we need to get beyond the methods we use for small sites and blogs.

We are excited to welcome Mike Schinkel to our developer track to help you (and me!) take our development skills to the next level and get out in front of those exact issues and pitfalls.

Mike’s primary focus is on WPLib—a foundation library for complex WordPress applications—and helping agencies architect and build complex WordPress sites for their clients.

Grab your ticket today, and join me in furiously scribbling notes to learn all that Mike is going to bring us.

Published by

Ben Meredith

Former lead organizer for WordCamp Raleigh, Ben is a Director of Technical Support at StellarWP, the creator of the most popular Click To Tweet Plugin on the WordPress Plugin Directory, a husband, a dad of boys, and in the 80th percentile for height in America.

WordCamp Raleigh 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!