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Last year (at my first WordCamp) I spent much of the time sitting in the developer’s track just watching concepts fly over my head. But one of the more memorable talks was on Gulp.js, by Jordan Cauley.
We are excited to welcome Jordan back this year, and take it from one who sat in his session last year: no matter what he’s talking about, if you’re a developer you’d do well to be sitting in on his session.
This year he’s talking about how we can work better together, technically speaking. If you’ve ever had an intern try out git push --force
on the live site, and experienced that call from the client where they are steaming from the ears, this one is for you.
He’ll walk us through how to set up processes both from a code perspective and a project perspective so that we spend less time preparing to work, and more time producing results for the client (and also avoiding the client ear-steam)
And like I said, developers will do well to come hear Jordan talk, even if he was planning on reading an EULA. He’s good at what he does, and I’ll guarantee you’ll walk away with something.
Grab a ticket today (free T-shirts included for anyone who registers before October 2nd).