Rob Delory

Rob Delory

rob-deloryRob has worked for multiple internet marketing companies in the Triangle talking with companies regarding their online strategy.

WordCamp Session:

SEO for Startups

Session Description:

Five things startups need to know, about SEO.

This is a talk for startup companies that want to know about getting their online marketing strategy off the ground:

  1. You are new, no one knows who you are.
  2. What do you need?
  3. Where do you go to get it?
  4. Where should you spend your time?
  5. What is your strategy?

* (Rob will be using examples of two business owners just starting out.)
-John the Plumber who is finally opening his own business
-Susan the scientist with a new product for the medical field




Published by

Ben Meredith

Former lead organizer for WordCamp Raleigh, Ben is a Director of Technical Support at StellarWP, the creator of the most popular Click To Tweet Plugin on the WordPress Plugin Directory, a husband, a dad of boys, and in the 80th percentile for height in America.

WordCamp Raleigh 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!