Speaker Spotlight: Grant Swaim

Grant SwaimGrant Swaim teaches you the secrets to running a WordPress membership site in his session, WordPress Membership Solutions. “I like the flexibility the WordPress platform supports for membership solutions.” says Grant. “With the right plugins and configurations I can create anything from a traditional premium content model to an online training class and everything in between.”

Grant is a full-time automotive instructor in the North Carolina Community College system and the author of “Technology Guide for Today’s Automotive Technician”. He Grant is a true educator and is always willing to share his experiences to make the path easier for others.

“Attendees will likely leave my session with more questions than they came with,” said Grant. “However, they will be asking the right questions.”

Spotlight Written by Kelly Phillips

Attend this session and get even more WordPress awesomeness at WordCamp Raleigh 2012 on Nov 3-4. Tickets are only $40 and you can register online now!