Speaker Spotlight: Michelle Gower

Michelle Gower

Michelle Gower

Michelle Gower believes that anyone can change the world through WordPress.  By the time you walk out of her session, From A to Published (in less than 24 hours), you’ll believe it too.

Michele says her favorite thing about WordPress is “The empowerment factor. People are starting small and side businesses for much needed extra income, and they need it fast and frugally. I’ve watched students save their homes and communities from being taken over, because they were able to get a site up in less than a day and put their message where it could be found. That said, I like any plugin that helps to automate things. Display Widgets was also a game changer for me a few years ago. That plugin really makes a site dynamic by giving you virtually unlimited sidebars and footers without having to code anything. It’s probably the most common function (outside of a newsletter plugin) that my students ask about.

While Michelle’s session will help you see the possibilities that WordPress can provide, the most important thing you’ll get from her session is confidence to get started. “I specialize at breaking down the information in such as way that students see WordPress as a helpful friend, rather than a software to learn. You really don’t have to be a geek like me to “get it.” said Michelle.

Spotlight Written by Kelly Phillips

Attend this session and get even more WordPress awesomeness at WordCamp Raleigh 2012 on Nov 3-4. Tickets are only $40 and you can register online now!