Speaker Spotlight: Justin Seeley of iThemes

Justin is a creative professional living in Murray, KY. Over the past few years he’s spent his time authoring software training titles on a variety of digital imaging topics. He’s also the creator/host of the Photoshop Quicktips Video Podcast, Founder of SeeleyTraining.com, an Apple Fanboy, and WordPress Junkie. Justin works for iThemes and WebDesign.com.

Justin will be presenting on the topic of Designing for the Social Web in the Users track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Justin:

With so many social networks out there that allow for profile customization/website integration, it’s hard to keep it all straight. However with some strategic branding concepts and design ideas, you can create a social media campaign that broadcasts an intriguing and unified message across all spaces.

Topics will include Mapping out your Social Strategy and deciding what your target networks will be, Creating a unified design to be used on those networks, Putting the plan into action: Twitter, Putting the plan into action: Facebook, The importance of “Social Cross Pollination”, and Integrating your social presence into your website/blog.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Justin.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @justinseeley

Speaker Spotlight: Chris Jean of iThemes

Chris Jean of iThemesWith six years of experience developing and maintaining a closed CMS, Chris finally saw the light in 2008 and shifted his focus over to WordPress. As a member of the iThemes team, his focus is creating themes and plugins that allow users to have advanced control over their site without knowledge of code. Whatever that means. When he’s not on a bash shell or coding away in Vim, he can be found watching anime or playing TF2.

Chris will be presenting on the topic of Standardized Loop API: The Next Big Thing in the Developers track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Chris:

Themes used to be the wild west of WordPress with everyone doing their own thing. Over the years, APIs for widgets, comments, menus, featured images, post formats, and so on were added to tame themes with a consistent set of tools and features.

This presentation makes the case for and shows examples of a possible next step for evolving the theme API: a loop API and standard.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Chris.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @chrisjean

Speaker Spotlight: Ronald Huereca of iThemes

Ronald HuerecaRonald’s worked with WordPress since 2006 and mostly dabbles in WordPress plugins. He has extensive experience with Ajax and jQuery. He recently joined the iThemes team to develop plugins for PluginBuddy.

Ronald will be presenting on the topic of Plugin Localization in the Developers track.  Here’s an extract from what you can expect to hear from Ronald:

The topic will deal with plugin localization, including which functions to use, how to generate PO and MO files, and how to localize JavaScript files.

So register today for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and come meet Ronald.  Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter – @ronalfy

Announcing BackupBuddy as a Silver sponsor for WordCamp Raleigh 2011

We are very pleased to announce that we have a new Silver sponsor for WordCamp Raleigh 2011 – BackupBuddy, the WordPress backup solution!



BackupBuddy is the only complete WordPress backup solution. You can backup to your server to Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, FTP, or by e-mail. Then quickly and easily restore your site on the same server or migrate to a new server with a different domain and database. The process is easy, fast, and reliable. Learn more at getbackupbuddy.com.


We’d like to extend our thanks to iThemes and the BackupBuddy team for their continued generous support of WordCamp Raleigh and all things WordPress.  Come join us on May 21st and 22nd and meet the team from iThemes who are responsible for BackupBuddy and many other great plugins.

Announcing iThemes as a sponsor of WordCamp Raleigh 2011

We are very pleased to welcome back iThemes as a sponsor of WordCamp Raleigh 2011.  The iThemes team are great supporters of WordCamps and WordPress.  We have two of the iThemes team presenting this year as well as sponsoring us.

iThemes logo

iThemes currently offers over 120 professional WordPress themes to let you create beautiful and effective websites fast, including the popular iThemes Builder theme, which allows you to easily build unique WordPress sites without having to touch code. Founded in 2008 and based in Oklahoma City, the iThemes team of over 17 professionals is here to support you and your work with WordPress. Learn more at iThemes.com.

Pleas join me in welcoming iThemes and come meet the team at WordCamp Raleigh 2011 on May 21st and 22nd.  Register today for tickets at WordCampRaleigh.com/register.